Answered By: Loans & Membership Department
Last Updated: May 27, 2022     Views: 34455

For more details on library fines, please view Library Policies (please scroll down and view Section C - Loan-related rules, including fines)


Students, Personal & Corporate Members

When books on loan are not returned by the due date a grace period of 3 days is given to all members. Fines are imposed on the fourth day after the due date of the book. There is no grace period for loans of bound periodicals, RBR (2-hour loan) and 7-day loan book (with location HOLDSHELF) & other special material.


Academic Staff & Non-Academic Staff (excluding A*STAR members)

When books on loan are not returned by the due date, a grace period of 14 days is given to all members. Fines are imposed on the 15th day after the due date of the book. There is no grace period for loans of bound periodicals, RBR (2-hour loan), 7-day loan book (with location HOLDSHELF) and other special items & other special material.


Fines are not imposed on days where the library is not open.

Members with unpaid fines and debts will have their library borrowing, renewing and reserving privileges temporarily suspended until these liabilities have been paid.

NUS may also impose restrictions for amounts owing to the university by restricting entry to the CORS system or Exam results. 

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    Contact Us

    For loans related queries (e.g. renewals, membership, fines), please email Library Loans & Membership or call 65166949.

    NUS Staff and students may email Technical Services (eResources) to report e-resource access issues or connection problems. Please include screenshot of error message encountered.

    For all other queries, please use the question form on this page, or  please email