To use CNKI
1. Login to CNKI via Chinese interface or English interface.
2. After logging in to the CNKI homepage via Chinese interface, please select the journal database, which is “学术期刊” (Journal).
3. From the platform of “学术期刊库” (Academic Journals Database), can filter to a search field based on your need, e. g. "主题" (Subject), and input a search term, e.g. 翻译研究 (translation research), and click on Search icon.
4. From the result list, if you want to get full text for an article title, you can just click on the Download icon to download the PDF file immediately.
5. Alternatively, you can click on the article title and browse the abstract detail first.
6. After reading the abstract, you can click on “PDF下载” to get the full text.
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For all other queries, please use the question form on this page, or please email